970 Inspiration Dr., Wilmington, NC 28405
910-679-4257 or 484-885-3037

Gallery Hours
Monday – Thursday 10am – 5pm
Friday & Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sunday 12-5pm & by Appointment

“Summer Reprise: Art by Pam Toll (2007 – 2020)” at Acme Art Studios EXTENDED

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Date(s) - 08/01/2020 - 10/10/2020
10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Acme Art Studio


“Cyclone Tree”

Art in Bloom Gallery is excited to partner with Pam Toll of Acme Art Studio to open a new exhibit, “Summer Reprise”.  The exhibit, opening on August 1st, showcases Pam’s diverse paintings incorporating a variety of mixed media and found objects. The exhibit features an array of work from 2007 to the present and highlights how an artist’s works continue to connect even after years of separation.

Pam Toll, an Associate Professor at UNC Wilmington, received a BA in Art and English Literature from UNC Chapel Hill and has been painting since childhood. Her studio is located at Acme Art Studios (Wilmington) which she co-founded in 1991, as a work and exhibition space for artists. She also co-founded No Boundaries International Art Colony (Bald Head Island, NC) in 1998, a residency program that in the last twenty years brought over 200 artists from around the world with the goal of creating a cross-exchange of cultures and artistic practices to share with our local community.

The works of art will be exhibited at Acme Art Studio and can be viewed in person or via a virtual tour.  View the Virtual Tour! 

Click here to view and purchase the work featured in the exhibit.

To view and purchase the art in-person, an appointment can be made by calling 910-352-4314. Acme Art Studio is located at 711 N 5th Ave, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401.  The exhibit can also be viewed virtually on the web with a virtual tour created by Angle Pros, LLC of Wilmington. The exhibit continues through October 10, 2020.

Art in Bloom Gallery offers free local delivery, curbside pick-up or shipping to other locations at reasonable rates.