970 Inspiration Dr., Wilmington, NC 28405
910-679-4257 or 484-885-3037

Gallery Hours
Monday – Thursday 10am – 5pm
Friday & Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sunday 12-5pm & by Appointment

Opening Reception for “Visible Spectra: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints by Janette K. Hopper & Photography by Charles Kernan,” October 14th, 6 – 9 pm

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Date(s) - 10/14/2016
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Art in Bloom Gallery


Join us for an art opening and reception at Art in Bloom Gallery, 210 Princess Street, Wilmington, NC 28401.  This joint exhibit presents stunning images of nature, people, and architecture transformed by light and shadow by the artists from their travels and time outdoors.  Renowned artist, Janette K Hopper displays her exquisite paintings, prints, and drawings including sumi ink paintings on rice paper.  Emerging artist, Charles Kernan is exhibiting his limited edition, fine-art photography and photographic prints.  Together, Janette’s and Charles’ art work present an evocative “Visible Spectra” spanning many medias, techniques, and subjects.

As observers our eyes see the visible spectra of light, responding only to wavelengths form about 390 (Violet) to 700 nanometers (Red).  But, for the artist it actually means looking carefully at ever changing color and space due to the varying times of day, weather conditions, locations and the emotional response all of these bring to the viewer.  Visible Spectra features two artists, Janette K. Hopper and Charles Kernan who have shared their love of the outdoors and the beauty that is there for the taking if one only stops, waits, and lets it envelop and enrich them.  This show is an expression, extension, and sharing of their love of the outdoors with you, a friend of the arts.

Art in Bloom Gallery is donating 10% of sales from “Visible Spectra” to Cape Fear River Watch “a nonprofit organization working to protect and improve the Cape Fear River Basin through education, advocacy, and action.”

About Janette:

Janette is a retired professor and lifelong artist with a MFA from the University of Oregon, who is the recipient of two prestigious Fulbright Scholarships, one from Denmark and one from the United States. She has taught in Denmark, Germany and the United States. Her work has been shown and collected extensively in museums, public venues, colleges and universities and in private galleries nationally and internationally in Germany, France, The Netherlands, Canada, Bulgaria, Italy and Denmark.

 About Charles:

Charles is a retired chemical engineer who spent most of his career around Wilmington in a now vanished facility. He started taking pictures of the night sky with his father’s camera from the backyard, trying to capture the trailing star trails of the spinning earth on film. He has traveled widely, camping, hiking, bicycling and kayaking, in order to visit many known and quite a few unknown places while always taking his camera.  Nowadays he travels with a simple digital camera, experiencing the beauty of nature near and far while still trying to capture that beauty through the lens.