970 Inspiration Dr., Wilmington, NC 28405
910-679-4257 or 484-885-3037

Open by Appointment
Re-opening in March!

Art of the Image ’19 Public Hours

Map Unavailable

Date(s) - 09/06/2019
11:00 am - 7:00 pm

Gallery Verrazzano, theArtWorks™


a juried photographic media competition and exhibition

Public Hours of Exhibition
(And by Appointment)
(Friday, Saturday and Sundays from August 2 to September 15)
Fridays  – 11am – 7pm
Saturdays –11am to 5pm
Sundays – Noon to 5pm

Art of the Image ‘19 is a juried photography competition and exhibition designed to celebrate the medium of photography and its cultural influence by engaging the photography community with a showing of exceptional photo-based works of art.  This exhibition will feature artists working in two and three-dimensional mediums showcasing original works of art with a primary focus on the photographic medium, utilizing traditional and non-traditional processes.   This year’s juror is Beth Handler Riebe, PhD, Independent Curator and Art Consultant.

Art of the Image ‘19 will be installed and exhibited at Gallery Verrazzano, a 7200+ sq.ft., gallery and event space located in theArtWorks™ of Wilmington, NC, near downtown.  Gallery Verrazzano is a brand new home for visual and performing arts.  Art of the Image ’19 is organized by Art in Bloom Gallery and theArtWorks™.  Gallery Verrazzano is located at 200 Willard Street in Wilmington.