6866 Main St., Wilmington, NC 28405
910-679-4257 or 484-885-3037

Monday – Saturday 10am – 7pm
Sunday 12 – 6pm
& By Appointment

Dig and Learn: Reception for Public Archaeology Corps

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Date(s) - 03/13/2016
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Art in Bloom Gallery


Art in Bloom Gallery invites you to meet Jonathan Schleier, archaeologist and to learn about the work of Public Archaeology Corps (PAC), a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of archaeological sites on private lands. View artifacts and learn about how to volunteer.

www.facebook.com/ PACarchaeology
[email protected]

Public Archaeology Corps is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization consisting of professional archaeologists, historians, and private citizens united in their concern over the rapid loss of archaeological sites.  We protect these endangered resources based upon a threefold approach of engagement: public education, public outreach and volunteerism.  The public education component consists of direct engagement with local schools at all levels, from grade school to university, in which we teach students about archaeology using age appropriate lectures and activities.  The public outreach component is directed at a general audience through participation in local events (festivals, farmer’s markets, etc.), speaking engagements, and active archaeology events (where members of the public can interact with archaeologists during an actual excavation).   The final component, volunteerism, involves the excavation of privately owned sites using a volunteer work force under the direction of professional archaeologists.  This approach allows untrained members of the community to directly participate in archaeological excavation, creating a hands on experience under the supervision of professionals.

Protect the past and enrich the future, join the Corps!