6866 Main St., Wilmington, NC 28405
910-679-4257 or 484-885-3037

Monday – Saturday 10am – 7pm
Sunday 12 – 6pm
& By Appointment

“Out of the Shadows” Photography by Meg McGrew Exhibit

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Date(s) - 01/11/2024 - 02/25/2024
12:00 am - 11:59 pm

Art in Bloom Gallery at Mayfaire Town Center


The gallery is pleased to present new work by photographer, Meg McGrew, in the upcoming exhibit “Out of the Shadows”. 

From the time Meg McGrew first picked up a camera, she’s always been fascinated by shadows. Yet her show “Out of the Shadows” relates to more than Meg’s lifelong appreciation for them. It also reflects Meg coming through the darker, shadowy world of trauma to the more colorful creative life she has today. After a severe car accident in August 2016, it took Meg a long while to make any kind of artwork again. But one day, sitting in her wheelchair with her camera nearby, Meg picked it up and started to photograph her shadows on the wall across from her. The images in this show started with photos either totally made up of shadows or where a shadow is a primary focus in the piece. Meg then used an online photo editing program to digitally alter them in some way.

“Light and dark. Day and night… I now have a deeper appreciation of the way shadows can accentuate the light in the image and in my life.”

Artist, Meg McGrew, has been focused on how objects and shadows can be transformed into different and unique images. She’s taken the original photos and altered them digitally, playing with exposure, color, contrast and applications that add texture to the image. Time melts when she’s involved in this process.

Click here to preview the work that will be available during her show. 

This new show will be on view starting January 11, 2024 with an opening reception on Sunday, January 14th, from 2-5pm featuring live music by guitarist, Roger Davis!