From the time Meg McGrew first picked up a camera, she’s always been fascinated by shadows. Meg loves the way our shadows elongate in late afternoon sun. She’s hypnotized by the crisp morning shadows that appear on her bathroom walls, outlining a piece of pottery or a cascading strand of leaves from a flowerpot on a shelf.
Lately Meg has been focused on how objects and shadows can be transformed into different and unique images. She’s taken the original photos and altered them digitally, playing with exposure, color, contrast and applications that add texture to the image. Time melts when she’s involved in this process.
Over the years, Meg has expressed herself creatively through photography, pottery, painting and drawing. But taking photos has been the most integral part of her creative life. Catching the play of light on an object or person, combined with a cast shadow, is Meg’s ongoing point of focus. Meg’s intention with her current series of photos is to illustrate how things change in time and in our imaginations, moment to moment.