6866 Main St., Wilmington, NC 28405
910-679-4257 or 484-885-3037

Monday – Saturday 10am – 7pm
Sunday 12 – 6pm
& By Appointment

Three Bridges, Ed. 1/10


Limited Edition Photograph, Edition 1/10

22″H x 30″W

This original work of art is matted and framed in a simple black frame behind glass.

Framed size is 30.25″H x 38.25″W x .75″D.


Artist Description:

I often try to make it out early or late to capture the best lighting and shadows for my photos. After setting up and capturing a beautiful sunrise with multiple bridges and gorgeous reflection of one of the bridges, I packed up my equipment and thought I had everything completed until I saw a school of ducks in the distance.  I motioned them toward my original photo taking area and took more shots. Always consider there just might be a better photo. Sometimes it only happens once.

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